Tips for Communicating Clearly and Effectively

People shaking hands at a meeting

Whether you’re in the workplace or at home, it’s essential to get your point across in a clear and effective manner. Unfortunately, many people seem to have lost or neglected the art of communicating properly. This leads to a lot of confusion, mishandling, and a failure to establish their presence as they … Read more

How to Practice Validation with Kids

warm sunset, clear and calm sea, silhouette of a mother and daughter talking

One of the many reasons why adults find it hard to express what they feel is because their parents tend to invalidate their feelings as children. They weren’t allowed to feel what they felt. Instead, they try to keep it to themselves because they thought that their feelings were not valid. However, … Read more

How to Speak Clearly So Clients Understand

two women sitting on chairs opposite each other at a table

Clear, effective communication is nothing less than an art. Whether it is personal or professional relationships, effective communication between two parties ensures there are no misunderstandings or ill feelings. However, if you feel that client conversations can scare the hell out of you, you are not alone. Many business owners/ \service providers … Read more